I recently got Skillet's new album, Rise. I love it, but that's to be expected, I love everything Skillet does. I especially love the title song, Rise, and with the 4th of July yesterday, it has become my new theme song for Independence Day. I also kinda love the video for it.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Rolling in the Dough
Every time the lottery jackpot gets really big, like it did this past weekend, I get a super strong urging to go spend a whole $2 and pick myself up a ticket in the impossible hope that I may get that 1 in 175.2 million chance of winning. I never have, and I don't know if I ever will, but I gotta say it's incredibly tempting. In fact even though there was a winner, and the jackpot has dropped to a measly $40 million, I'm still tempted to go get a ticket...
However, regardless of whether or not I ever buy a ticket, much less win, it's a lot of fun to try and imagine what I would do if I did. It's also pretty difficult. Have you ever really thought about what you would do if you suddenly had hundreds of millions of dollars? I was truly thinking about what I would do, what I would buy, etc... and after everything that I could think of that I would actually do, it still didn't even really scratch that amount of money. It's mind-boggling to think about how much money that is.
Friday, May 17, 2013
When Midas Touches Poop
Last night I was sitting in my backyard thinking, thinking about how amazing and mind-blowingly awesome it is that God loves me because really I truly don't deserve it, am not worthy of it. In fact, none of us are, yet He loves us and is invested in our lives nonetheless. Suddenly I got this thought, and I wouldn't really say it's the deepest theological thought I've ever had, but it seemed pretty significant to me, so I'm sharing it.
I am utterly, completely unworthy and valueless. In fact, the thing that came to mind to compare to was the dog poop in the corner of the yard. Like the dog poop, I am filthy, disgusting, trash that has no value or worth and is good for nothing, but to be thrown away or buried. However, another thought crossed my mind, and that was that somehow, I am no longer that. Somehow, though everything about my inherent nature is valueless and stinks, I am not, no longer, that worthless piece of dog poop. I am indescribably valuable, so valuable, in fact, that while I was not worthy to utter the name of God, He inscribed my name upon His palm! (Isaiah 49:16)
Monday, May 13, 2013
I'm going to take a few minutes here to brag about my wife...
Our son was recently born about 2 1/2 weeks ago. That is an entirely different story of my wife being an amazing Amazon Warrior Princess, but that is not what I'm talking about today. Since Zachary was born I have had the blessing of being able to be home with everyone for 2 weeks, and I'm currently in a 2 week time of only having to work 6-10, so I still get to spend a large part of the day at home. It's been absolutely fantastic, and also very revealing.
Not that I didn't already know this, of course I did, but you get new insight and perspective when you experience something for yourself. Taking care of 3 kids and a house is a LOT of work, it's constant, it's tiring, and that was how I felt with both of us home.
Our son was recently born about 2 1/2 weeks ago. That is an entirely different story of my wife being an amazing Amazon Warrior Princess, but that is not what I'm talking about today. Since Zachary was born I have had the blessing of being able to be home with everyone for 2 weeks, and I'm currently in a 2 week time of only having to work 6-10, so I still get to spend a large part of the day at home. It's been absolutely fantastic, and also very revealing.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Unsung Tragedy of the Boston Bombing
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Join the #EndItMovement to Stamp out Slavery
Today, February 27, 2013, many people are going silent in regards to social media in order to garner awareness for the 27,000,000 humans who are in slavery today. We all learned about slavery in our history classes, but the fact of the matter is that there are more human slaves today than there have been in any other point in history. It's absolutely terrible and sickening, if you think about it, but how many of us actually think about it? Truth is, I didn't have any idea until this past week. I knew human trafficking and sex slaves were rising problems, but was totally unaware of the magnitude of the issue.
The End It Movement is seeking to change this. This movement is seeking to not only free those who are currently trapped in slavery , but to offer them help and to ensure that no one else has to face it.
The End It Movement is seeking to change this. This movement is seeking to not only free those who are currently trapped in slavery , but to offer them help and to ensure that no one else has to face it.
Friday, February 1, 2013
The Medium may Change, The Message Stays the Same
I have heard this phrase, or something similar, a lot in a lot of different situations, usually talking about how how the church introduces new methods and mechanisms of sharing God's Word. However, I was thinking about it the other day in a different light. If you look at the news today you will be assaulted with story after story of violence, murder, hatred, immorality, sexuality, destruction, darkness, evil... It's crazy and overwhelming and it can feel like the world is falling very rapidly towards its destruction and death. It is easy to look at the world today and say we are getting so much worse day after day, year after year. I've made this assertion, I believe. While it may be true that our society is on a downfall, or that certain countries or groups are "getting worse," the more I think about it it seems that in the grand scheme of things, we are no worse than any other time.
I was thinking about the world in the time of Christ and something dawned on me. Society during that time was full of all of the same things that we are full of today. There was widespread hatred and racism permeating society. Destruction, sensless violence and murder were normal occurances. Homosexuality, sexual promescuity, adultry and prostitution were commonplace and widely accepted. Drunkenness, drug use, theft, pride, and idolatry: every single one of these were rampant in society. People participated in them. This is obvious from reading history and from the fact that the Bible addresses them all. People during that time faced the same struggles and participated in the same evils that we do today. People during that time looked at their world and talked about how it was on the downfall and how things were really bad, just as we do today.
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