Thursday, October 6, 2011


We have been going through the book Radical at church, and we are now in the last chapter, which is a challenge. The challenge is a one year challenge and includes:
  1. Pray specifically for the entire world. There is a great website:, where you can get daily prayer guides for specific countries around the world. It includes specific information and prayer needs for that country, and is a great way to pray for the entire world.
  2. Read through the entire Bible, cover to cover, every verse. has a lot of great reading plans to help with this. You can choose to read straight through, Genesis to Revelation, a historical reading, topical, Chronological, or any of several other plans.
  3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose. The whole idea here is to SACRIFICE, not just give the leftovers, but make a real sacrifice to help others. Figure out what you need to live on and donate the rest to a very specific purpose.
  4. Spend your time in another context. In other words, the challenge is to spend at least 2% of your time serving, going somewhere you are not used to or comfortable in to serve others. This may mean volunteering at the local homeless shelter or it may mean traveling across the globe, or both.
  5. Be invloved with an active church, with people dedicated to living life as Christ has told us to live it.

This is the challenge that Manda and I are committing to for the next year, and I must say that my initial reaction to it is that it will be fairly easy. Praying, reading the Bible, being involved with a church, those won't be that hard, and it won't be that bad to donate time and money, right?

Well, turns out it's gonna be harder than I thought because, as I was thinking about what I could sacrifice to donate money to a specific purpose I realized that what I would need to sacrifice is not something I want to get rid of. My phone.

I spend money every month for a data plan on my phone that I use constantly, but in no way, shape, or form need to have. I also realized that I have wanted to sponsor a child through World Vision for quite some time now, but have always said we don't have enough money. The money I spend every month on my data plan will cover most of the cost to sponsor a child every month. So, even though I absolutely do not want to get rid of my smartphone, when I compare having the luxury of immediate internet, social media, and app access to helping provide a child, their family, and their community with basic needs, food, shelter, health, etc... I cannot say that I would rather spend my money on my phone than another human being. So I am giving up my smartphone for a simple, basic phone and will be sponsoring a child.

We have also talked about other ways to sacrifice, including cutting back our Netflix service, cutting back our cable/DVR service, cutting back our eating out, among other things, and we have other things that we would like to do with that money, but we haven't really decided on anything else.

It's pretty crazy though how difficult it is to cut back my service. I went in to T-Mobile yesterday to change out my phone, but I was met with very odd looks when I said I wanted to downgrade my phone, and then I was told I couldn't get a simple basic phone without using my upgrade and paying $50 at the cheapest. It seems strange that I would need to spend almost 3 months of my data plan just to get a simple phone, but I am looking into other options to get a phone right now. I'm pretty sure we are going to sponsor a child soon even if I don't get my phone figured out.

Anyways, this is really long so I'm gonna wrap things up. I'm nervous and excited for how these changes will affect our lives over the next year, but primarily just excited to see how God will work in our lives and the lives of those around us when we choose to live as He has instructed us to live!