- Cooler weather: It's time to wear jackets, hats, scarves, etc..., but it's still warm enough to go outside and enjoy the weather.
- Changing leaves: All the absolutely gorgeous colors that fill the world during this season are breathtaking and leave you in amazement and awe of the beauty of God's creation. It also means that there will soon be large piles of leaves to play in with my kids. (Of course who's kidding, I like playing in big piles of leaves too :) )
- Harvest: There is just something about farming in general that I love, but the whole Harvest theme during this time just makes me smile, all the bountiful food, the colors (again), the smells, it's just great.
- Pumpkins: Both the actual gourd, and the flavoring that goes in everything. Pumpkin Lattes, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin pie, pumpkin whatever... and pumpkin patches and carved pumpkins.
- Fall/Harvest Festivals: Games, Corn Mazes, Corn pits, Hay Rides, Caramel Apples...
- Apple Cider: I love a good hot cup of apple cider, especially freshly pressed, like you can get at the ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden
- Balloon Fiesta: Living in Albuquerque has the huge perk of being able to see the amazing International Balloon Fiesta every year. This is such an incredible experience! I wouldn't miss it for anything.
- Thanksgiving: Food, lots of food, Turkey, Pies, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Rolls, Sweet Potatoes... Family, lots of time with family, Laughing, Games, Treeball (Don't know what that is? Ask. It's amazing!) Blessings, and recognizing all of the amazing blessing we have.
- Planes, Trains & Automobiles: Yep, this gets it's own bullet, because it is just that awesome! The Tuesday before Thanksgiving every year is definitely a day to mark on your calendar, or at least my calendar, because that is the annual PT&A watching day. If you haven't seen it, watch it, love it, make it part of your annual Thanksgiving traditions!
Oh, and that was only nine reasons, so here's #10:
- Christmas Season: Yes, I know this is kind of cheating. Christmas is actually in Winter, and when you think about Christmas activities, decorations, etc... you think about Winter, but technically, most of the Christmas season takes place in Fall. Heck, most radio stations will start playing Christmas music in a month. So this gets my #10 reason for loving Fall. :)
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