Here's my questions though:
- Does anyone else secretly hope for something like this, or am I the only crazy one?
- Why would I want something like this?
A societal collapse/apocalypse of some sort seems exciting and adventurous. It presents a whole slew of challenges and opportunities and creates an environment in which I would have to "step up" as it where, fight for my family, make a stand that I am not required* to do currently. This world would be dangerous, but I think I long for some danger, for action and adventure and danger and fight for a purpose, to find out what I'm made of. It's like I'm hoping for something to force me to become who I want to be.
Here's the thing though, I shouldn't wait for some sort of cataclysmic event to bring these things out of me.
*I say that I am not required to "step up," make a stand, and fight for my family now, but I am. I mean that there are not pressing physical conditions that immediately demand action, but there are events and situations in my life everyday that require these things of me. It's just easier to ignore them in the world we live in. This is no way excuses non-action. God has called me to action, and I long to be active, but way too often I get sidetracked by trivial, non-important things and let those things that matter, my faith, my family, my beliefs, my God, my friends fall by the wayside. I take it for granted that those things will always be there and always be ok, because I don't see a pressing threat to them, as I would if there were some sort of societal collapse/cataclysmic event.
I love superhero anything, movies, TV shows, stories, whatever, and they don't just have to be about people with super powers. I am enthralled with heroes, those who stand up and fight for what's right, for those who can't fight for themselves, who put themselves in danger for the good of others, who live and love passionately. I have a deep desire to be this, and I have huge respect for anyone that does this, to whatever degree. I really like Phoenix Jones in Seattle, and I have major respect for my cousin, Danny Porter, and the work he is doing with Invisible Children, standing up for what he believes, and making sacrifices to help those who need it! My problem is that I have desire and passion, but, for the most part, I get timid when it comes to action. That's why I secretly hope for some event that will force action out of me, but that can't be the way I live.
Who knows if anything crazy will happen soon, or in my lifetime at all, and I can't wait for some major world event to stand up and become the man, husband, father, servant, hero, that God has called me to be. I need to start living that way now. It's easy to say this, to write this, it's much harder to live it, but I want to. I want my life to be dangerous, exciting, adventurous, passionate, and full of love, and I want that to overflow and paint everything I do and I everyone I interact with.
So, if you know me, please encourage me in this, invite me to join you if you are doing something, pray for me, and I will do the same for you. There doesn't have to be a major world event, and you don't have to have super powers or wear a costume to have a major influence on a lot of people. I recently watched "It's A Wonderful Life" and it reminded me that you don't have to travel the world or go on "adventures" to have an exciting and adventurous and wonderful life or to make a difference to people.
So the world didn't end, society didn't collapse, people are still going about their normal, everyday life, but we were called to more. Christ became a frail and fragile human baby so that He may grant us "life in abundance," and I for one want to start embracing that for all it means.
God Bless, Merry Christmas, and Happy 12/21/12
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