Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Snow is Always Whiter

I've been thinking lately, I guess you could say, about the phrase "The grass is always greener..." In my case, however, it's more of "The snow is always whiter..." As it is now winter, and it's been cold here, and most of the country has been getting ridiculous snow storms, I have found myself being extremely jealous of those areas that are seeing snow while here in ABQ we have received very little, and I have been completely confused as to how anyone could ever be upset about snow or the prospect of snow. In my opinion, snow is one of the most joyful beautiful things. I love it!

However, thinking about this made me realize something about people. Humans seem to have an inherent desire for that which they do not have, and an inherent abhorrence, or at least a lack of contentment, with what they do have. If we live somewhere that gets cold and has lots of snow we desire to live somewhere that is sunny and warm. If we live somewhere that is sunny and warm we want to live somewhere that is cold and gets snow. We get bored with what we have, and we end up leaving electronic gadgets lying abandoned when there are other people who would be thrilled to own such gadgets. Those who travel a lot wish they were home more, and those who are home a lot wish they could travel more. We seem to never be satisfied.

It doesn't matter what we have, how good or how bad it is, we are almost never content, and this lack of contentment is, I believe, at the root of most of our problems as human beings. Thinking back to the original sin, it really was a lack of contentment, a belief that the grass was greener on the other side, that got us in trouble in the first place. We were given paradise. literally, everything we could ever need, bliss and immeasurable pleasure, but we were not content. There was one thing that we were not given, and that one thing was what we longed and lusted for, ignoring the beauty that surrounded us, even ignoring the fact that what was withheld from us was death. We blindly craved death with an insatiable appetite, and we got exactly what we wanted. However, once we got it we realized that what we truly wanted was what we had in the first place. We are fickle and schizophrenic beings!

From that day forward we yo-yo back and forth. Why do we steal? Because we are discontent with what we have to such a great extent that we take what does not belong to us to try and make us feel content. Why do people have affairs? Because they are discontent with their husband, wife, or partner and they try to find contentment in someone else. Lying, Cheating, Murder, Disobedience, almost everything, can really be traced back to a discontentment and a desire to have or obtain something that one does not currently possess.

We are the same today as we were at the beginning. God has given us the most lavish, beautiful, valuable, extravagant gift that anyone could hope for. He gives us hope, love, peace, purpose, safety, salvation, and so much more, and many accept it, but before long we become discontent with it and once again crave the depravity of everything outside of Him. God talks about this very thing:

"You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place." - Revelation 2:3-5 

"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness." -- Proverbs 26:11

So my challenge, God's command as outlined in the verses above, is this. Stop constantly longing for the things of the flesh. We have a love and a calling that is great beyond compare, and we should be far more than content to stay within God's arms and follow his laws for us. Afterall, outside of this we only have discontentment, which will lead us in a tragic cycle in which every time we finally get what we think we want it turns to vomit in our hands. God is all we should want, and He is all we will ever need! The snow is no whiter, the grass is no greener, than it is with Him!


  1. I'm going to skip the God stuff and the rest..

    But I hate it when it snows out here. Why? Simple ; they city has no clue how to handle snow and I'm not sure they understand how dangerous it is. I grew up in a place where snow was very common and while there were still accidents, there were nowhere near as many fatal accidents as there are here in ABQ.

    It shocks me that I can be driving on one of the major freeways that runs through the country and it will still be packed with snow and ice with no sign of a snow plow or emergency vehicles. If a road was like that back home it would be shut down.

  2. I will definitely give you that. People here really do not know how to drive in the snow, and we really are never prepared to handle snow when we get it. I am probably putting myself in that category as well, since I really have never lived anywhere that gets a lot of snow, and I'm probably just as much of an idiot on the road as anyone else... Still I do love the snow and wish we had more of it! Maybe if it could just come with a little more safety and preparation that would be great!

  3. Okay, I'm going to skip the stuff that isn't about snow also. Before we moved to Minnesota, I also loved snow. But when you live in a place where you spend days on end where ALL you do is deal with the snow and its fallout, it's not so pretty anymore. Get up early to shovel, start the car thirty minutes before you have to leave to heat the engine, spend twenty extra minutes bundling the kids, allow an extra half hour for driving, plan for ten minutes of rescraping the windshield every time you stop for groceries or whatever, extra time to pick up the kids, probably more shoveling, it's exhausting and it's not pretty. Then, right after Christmas one year we had six weeks where the temps never got above zero and four weeks where the wind chills got down to -80. Snow isn't pretty anymore when it's trying to kill you. So that is why I get upset about snow or the prospect of snow. Just saying.
