Friday, April 27, 2018
Things I Learned From Racing a Train

Life Lessons,
Thursday, April 19, 2018
When Mustard Moves Mountains
What are you confident of? What are you absolutely sure of? What do you hold in your life as a rock on which you can stand secure, unwavering?
Now, what are you unsure about? What do you doubt? What leaves you with unsteady footing?
Have those two ever met in your life? Have doubts and uncertainty ever crept into those things that you have always been sure of? Has something you once doubted now become your firm foundation?
Now, what are you unsure about? What do you doubt? What leaves you with unsteady footing?
Have those two ever met in your life? Have doubts and uncertainty ever crept into those things that you have always been sure of? Has something you once doubted now become your firm foundation?
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Before the World Ends
I just got the most recent issue of Popular Mechanics, which happens to be a great magazine, in case you were wondering. The cover story of this particular issue is "64 Things to do Before the World Ends."
In case you didn't know, the new end of the world date has been set for April 23. The mysterious Planet X, or Nibiru, is once again scheduled to come crashing into Earth, securing all of our deaths. I wouldn't worry too much though, Nibiru is notoriously tardy. In fact, it's never showed up to any of its prior appointments, and I wouldn't put any stock on it making this time.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Fate and Destiny
Today is Friday the 13th, the most unlucky, dangerous day on the calendar. It also happens to be my mom's birthday. In fact, she was born on a Friday the 13th. Happy Birthday mom!

Monday, April 9, 2018
(F)orget (E)verything (A)nd (R)etreat
What is your greatest fear? Take a second to think about it. Usually the first thing that comes to mind is something like heights, clowns, spiders, the dark... something along those lines, but if we really take a minute to think about it, to be truly honest, we'll discover that our greatest fear is likely something much more more serious and much less tangible.
When we really boil it down, often our fears are more along the lines of failure, the unknown (change, future, etc...), not being accepted or loved, death (your own or that of a loved one), not meeting expectations (your own or others), etc... These fears plague our lives, they find a way to wiggle into every aspect of our lives in one way or another, small or overwhelming, and once there, these fears have a way of manifesting themselves in our very attempts to avoid them.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
24: Choose Wisely
How much difference can a day make?
If you are like me, like most people, days come and go remarkably quickly, quicker than it seems possible, and they are filled with so much routine, so much that is already planned and laid out, that we hardly even notice their passing. We go through our days on autopilot. This day is going to be largely similar to yesterday, which was largely similar to what tomorrow will be. We have a template, and sometimes we switch up some of the content, but by and large, everything is going to look the same tomorrow as it does today. In the grand scheme of things, 24 hours is a small amount of time, a building block in a much larger structure, and that single block, on its own, does not make much of a difference in the overall picture.

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