
Thursday, September 2, 2010

MVD :\

Yesterday I attempted to go re-register my car, which has been expired for over a year. Yes I know. I should have registered my car a year ago when I was supposed to, but it's a whole long convuluted story of why I didn't. Anyways, I finally got everything in place that I needed to register my car so I went over to the MVD for the worst part of the whole process. I had forgotten how much I really despise the MVD. First of all, you have to wait for hours, literally. And why do you have to wait so long? Because there are hundreds of people there and the MVD only decides to open 5 of the 12 windows they have. That makes sense, right? Then, after you wait for over an hour and finally have them call your number, which they tell you when you get a number that they don't call in order, you go up the window, have them ask you what you are there for, and then they tell you to go sit back down and they will call your number again. This will take another hour or more.

It was so frustrating! I spent over an hour there, was late getting back to work, didn't eat lunch, and still wasn't able to get my car registered because I had to go back to work. Then, on top of it all, they close at 4 so there is no way for me to go during the week. I would do it online, but I let it go too long so I can't. Grrr

Anyways, I guess I will attempt this again on Saturday, but until then I will continue to be a driver with expired registration...


  1. You may want to try a location at one of the smaller towns on the outskirts of the city. The Los Lunas branch is much quicker, because there are less people in that town. I would imagine Edgewood might be that way too? Just a thought.

  2. I imagine that would work well. Next time I will try that. I actually went back again yesterday and was able to, just barely, get everything done in my hour lunch break! :)
